The Strengthening Families Grant funding opportunity is open for proposals. Deadline for submission is Friday, January 17, 2025, no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Time. 


Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), The Rapides Foundation seeks to prevent substance and alcohol abuse by funding organizations to implement the evidence-based family skills training program, Strengthening Families Program 7-17 (SFP) in the following parishes: Allen, Avoyelles (except Bunkie), Catahoula, LaSalle, Natchitoches, Rapides, Vernon.

The Strengthening Families Program is a science-based family skills training program designed to increase resilience and reduce risk factors for behavioral, emotional, academic and social problems. SFP builds on protective factors by improving family relationships, parenting skills, and improving the youth’s social and life skills. 

Strengthening Families Program Anticipated Outcomes: 

  • Decreased use and intention to use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  • Enhanced children’s protective and resilience factors by improving children’s social and life skills, peer resistance, and communication skills.
  • Improved parent/child attachment and family relations, communication, and organization.
  • Improved adults’ parenting skills, reductions in excessive punishment or lax discipline and improvements in parenting self-efficacy,
  • Reduced youth behavior problems (i.e., substance use, conduct disorders, aggression, violence, and juvenile delinquency) as well as reduced emotional problems such as depression and psychosomatic disorders.

Grant Awards

The Foundation invites faith-based, nonprofit and government organizations that work with families with children between the ages of 6-17 or directly with youth between the ages of 6-17 to apply for funding to implement the Strengthening Families Program.   

The primary applicant (grant fiscal agent) must meet all of the following requirements:  

  • Classified as a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code or a governmental entity.
  • Cannot be a private foundation under Section 509(a).
  • Must be an organization within The Rapides Foundation Service Area or seeking funding support for projects restricted to the Foundation’s nine parishes. 

Funds up to $100,000 for a 12-month (April 1, 2025-March 31-2026) period are available. The Foundation will consider only one application per organization and funding must align with the project needs and the mission of the project organization. Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to secure matching funds and/or in-kind support.

Proposal Submission Process

Proposals for the Strengthening Families Grant will be accepted using The Rapides Foundation’s online application process only. (See link to online application in right column.)  

Applicants should thoroughly review the Request for Proposals and other key documents included in the Key Materials section (in right column) to see full details, application process, and proposal requirements and exclusions. Technical assistance by Foundation staff is available at no cost to applicants requesting help with proposal submission.

Proposal Submission

All proposals must be submitted using the online submission process. Submission deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025; 4:00 p.m. Central Time.

Please note, the proposal must be fully submitted by the deadline; therefore, you must begin uploading documents prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline. We suggest you allow a minimum of three hours for the upload process.


For questions related to this grant opportunity, contact:
Dallas Russell, Healthy Behaviors Initiative Program Officer

The Rapides Foundation
Phone: 318-443-3394 or 800-994-3394

